Stop the Breeding
Save Lives
Successful Sterilisations thus far
How do you save 67,000 dogs or cats? Answer is simple, sterilise one!
Every year, thousands of puppies and kittens are born into a world where the reality is that there are simply not enough homes

What we Stand For
Who we are
A voluntary Non- Profit Organisation founded by Paulene Hardy and Carmen Stevens in February 2020, with a vision to raise funds to enable the sterilisation of dogs, cats, strays, ferals and to assist pet owners living on a limited income.
How Can you help?
Volunteers suggestions, ideas and feedback will be gratefully received, appreciated, considered and acted on after discussion with the founders. Donations, banking, etc will always be conducted through the original FNB bank account. Further branches of Spay It Forward, correspondence, advertising etc to use ONLY Spay It Forward original logo.
What we do
The welfare of the animals comes first. Our funds are for sterilisation purposes only. We work alongside other animal rescue groups and cooperate where possible. Each branch should be autonomous within the guidelines of Spay It Forward. Each branch and its volunteers has one main purpose to sterilise animals to reduce further breeding.
In January 2020, two friends, Paulene Hardy and Carmen Stevens, were walking their dogs together, discussing the sad state of so many dogs and cats that were wandering the streets searching for food, neglected and continually multiplying and suffering, they were aware that more and more appeared on the streets, breeding was out of control!! Their concern for the welfare of animals has always been a shared interest, they talked about how the situation could be alleviated. By the time their walk was over they had decided to try to raise funds and pay for sterilisations, which they agreed was the only solution in order to decrease the amount of stray cats and dogs. First things first…. both these ladies opened up a bank account with hope in their hearts that money could be raised and their dream would become a reality ! Spay It Forward was born and the hard work began !
After several constructive discussions with the SPCA it became a joint effort, Paulene and Carmen would help to arrange cats and dogs to be brought in to Dr Kriel, the SPCA vet, and they would fund local sterilisations. Local, at that time meant Humansdorp in the Eastern Cape. The very first dog was safely brought in and sterilised on the 2nd February 2020. Paulene and Carmen were advised to keep detailed records of every cat and dog sterilised, where the animals were picked up from, or where they were living, whether male or female and if they were actually owned.
Although encouraged and keen to proceed, their endeavours were thwarted when the country went into lockdown in March. This was unexpected and unwelcome, however it gave them both time to raise money ready to restart when the SPCA reopened. 3 sterilisations of dogs was undertaken in June, 3 more in July, 3 more in August. This was far from where they hoped to be, aiming at 8 – 10 sterilisations a month .It wasn’t long after Spay It Forward was established that Paulene and Carmen realised a little more help was needed. That help came from three more enthusiastic ladies, Colleen, Barbara, and Avril and at a later stage Berenice and Shirley. Over a period of time donations trickled in which, although minimal, it was enough to cover the cost of just a few sterilisations each month.
A monthly book sale is held in the village of St Francis Bay, which is their main source of income, good quality books, jigsaw puzzles and board games are donated, sorted and resold. They now have 4 outlets also selling books on their behalf.
Over a period of three years the monthly amount of sterilisations of cats and dogs have increased way beyond the anticipated 8 – 10 and usually between 50 – 60 every month is funded and logged through the records of Spay It Forward. Along with the increase in sterilisations the area covered now extends all over the Kouga district.
Spay It Forward has become a well recognisable organisation, prioritising the street dogs and cats, and pets belonging to people on a very limited income. There is a noticeable difference in the amount of starving, breeding dogs on the streets, on rubbish tips and on informal settlements, and in exactly three years from their very first “ patient “ Spay It Forward had funded 892 sterilisations. An average of 55 sterilisations a month are successfully performed.
Spay It Forward thanks Dr Kriel, staff of the SPCA Asissi, their sponsors, supporters, volunteers and members of the public who have helped their dream become a reality, saving more and more cats and dogs from breeding, suffering and starving.
Jenny at SPCA checks the animals in for sterilisation. Every cat and dog is registered and cared for before and after surgery.
Meet our wonderful vet Dr Adri Kriel with her enthusiastic assistant Liviwe. Together they prepare, operate and monitor with care and compassion.
Megan Holden of JUST PROPERTY LIFESTYLE here in SFB held a wonderful fund-raising evening for us last Thursday 1st August. It was well attended by over 100 local people, the evening consisted of information of activities in St Francis Bay that are available to...
More markets to fund more sterilisations
We are now bringing St Francis Bay two book sales each month. Our usual one in the village and now end of month book sale at the morning market. I'm thrilled that we now have a super gazebo and our hard working team has expanded. In the gazebo photo, left to right……...
When the SPAY IT FORWARD concept was established this was the very first dog we sterilised, 6th February 2020. Since then we have done 1.355 sterilisations of cats and dogs and currently doing an average of 50 every month. We intended to work only in Humansdorp,...
Animal Expo
At animal expo Spay It Forward received a very generous donation of R20.000 from Rotary Club St Francis.
The Herb Club
In March 2021 Paulene was approached by The Herb Club in Jeffreys Bay asking her if she would like to do a presentation explaining to their members the work done by Spay It Forward. Paulene was accompanied by 3 volunteers, Barbara, Colleen and Avril, Joy from SPCA...